How to Increase Motivation in the Workplace

Written by

Steven Kotler

How to Increase Motivation in the Workplace

Written by

Steven Kotler

When we talk about motivation, for most of the last century, that science focused on extrinsic rewards—that is, external motivators, “if-then” conditions of the “do this to get that” variety.


With extrinsic rewards, we incentivize the behavior we want more of and punish the behavior we dislike.

‍In business, for example, when we want to drive performance, we offer classic extrinsic rewards: bonuses (money) and promotions (money and prestige).

‍Unfortunately, an ever-growing pile of research shows that extrinsic rewards do not work like most suppose.

‍Take money.

‍When it comes to increasing motivation, cash is king only under very specific conditions.

‍For very basic tasks that don’t require any cognitive skill, money can effectively influence behavior.

‍If I’m nailing together boards for five dollars an hour, offering me ten will increase the rate at which I nail.

But once tasks become slightly more complex—such as shaping those nailed boards into a house—once they require even the slightest bit of conceptual ability, money actually has the exact opposite effect:

It lowers motivation, hinders creativity, and decreases performance.

What’s more, this isn’t the only issue with money as a motivator.

Money, it now appears, is only an effective motivator until our basic biological needs are met, with a little left over for discretionary spending.

This is why, in America, as the Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman recently discovered, when you plot happiness and life satisfaction alongside income, they overlap until $70,000—i.e., the point at which money stops being a major issue—then wildly diverge.

Once we pay people enough so that meeting basic needs is no longer a constant cause for concern, extrinsic rewards lose their effectiveness, while intrinsic rewards—meaning internal, emotional satisfactions—become far more critical.

Three, in particular, stand out: autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Creating a company with autonomy, mastery, and purpose as key values means creating a company built for speed.

And this is no longer optional.

In a world of increasingly rapid change, tapping our intrinsic motivation is absolutely fundamental for any exponential entrepreneur.

Yet, unlike big companies, bold entrepreneurs can get ahead of the game, baking autonomy, mastery, and purpose into their corporate culture from the get-go, rather than bolting them on later.


Benefits of Flow State

Learning to hack into flow state offers countless benefits in both your personal and professional life. Here are a few benefits you can expect when learning to control flow.

Emotional Regulation

Flow has the potential to positively impact your emotions and help regulate your emotional experiences in several ways. During flow, individuals report experiencing:

  • A heightened sense of engagement, enjoyment, and satisfaction
  • A reduction in negative emotions such as worry, self-doubt, and fear
  • Intense focus and concentration that helps prevent the intrusion of negative or distressing thoughts
  • A release of pent-up emotions, especially when engaging in activities that involve physical movement or creative expression
  • reduction in stress levels
  • Boosted self-confidence and self-efficacy
  • An improved overall mood and sense of well-being
Intrinsic Motivation and Fulfillment

Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in an activity for the sheer enjoyment and satisfaction it brings rather than for external rewards or pressures. 

Flow experiences are inherently intrinsically motivating because they provide a sense of joy, challenge, and engagement. The activity itself becomes its own reward, making you more likely to seek out and continue engaging in activities that induce flow.

Skill Development and Creativity

Flow creates an ideal state for learning and creativity. The heightened focus, engagement, and reduced distractions during flow allow individuals to absorb new information and push the boundaries of their abilities.

In addition, flow-inducing activities often provide immediate and clear feedback on performance. This rapid feedback loop helps individuals adjust their actions and strategies in real time, facilitating skill improvement.

Engagement and Performance

Flow entails deep focus and absorption in an activity, leading to a heightened sense of engagement and presence in the moment. This immersive state fosters a meaningful connection with the task at hand, enabling individuals to fully invest their attention and energy.

Hacking flow also unlocks optimal performance by aligning the challenge of the activity with an individual’s skill level. The improved focus, efficient information processing, and heightened creativity characteristic of flow lead to better decision-making, skill acquisition, and problem-solving. 

Examples of Flow State
Where can you experience flow state?

You don’t need to be striving for an Olympic medal or a Nobel Prize to unlock the power of flow.

Activities that induce flow state will differ from person to person based on what they find interesting, enjoyable, or challenging. Here are a few examples of how you might encounter flow in different scenarios:

  • In the workplace: A software developer might experience a flow state while tackling a coding challenge. Their focus intensifies, distractions fade away, and they become fully absorbed in the code. The developer’s skills align with the challenge, leading to a state of effortless problem-solving, enhanced creativity, and a strong sense of engagement.
  • In sports: A basketball player experiences a flow state during a game as their skills seamlessly match the dynamic pace of play. They effortlessly anticipate opponents’ moves, make quick decisions, and sink shots with precision, feeling fully immersed in the action.
  • In education: A student triggers flow while working on a challenging math problem. Their understanding of the concepts aligns perfectly with the complexity of the task, leading to a sense of accomplishment and an eagerness to explore more advanced mathematical problems.
  • In creative pursuits: A painter channels flow while creating their next masterpiece. As they apply brushstrokes, colors blend harmoniously, and their artistic vision takes shape effortlessly. The artist becomes fully absorbed in the process, losing awareness of their surroundings, and experiences a sense of pure creative immersion.
Characteristics of Flow 

You know those times when you feel and perform your best? 

You get so focused on a task that everything else disappears, allowing you to reach a potential you hadn’t thought possible?

If so, you’ve likely already experienced flow. According to Csíkszentmihályi, telltale characteristics of flow include:

  • Selflessness: Your sense of self disappears. As self-consciousness goes away, your inner critic is silenced.
  • Timelessness: You experience an altered perception of time. Past and future disappear as you enter “a deep now.”
  • Effortlessness: Your sense of struggle and frustration vanishes. 
  • Intrinsic motivation: The experience is “autotelic.” This means the activity has a purpose in itself and becomes its own reward. 
  • Intense focus: Distractions and external stimuli fade away as your attention becomes fully absorbed by the activity.
  • Paradox of control: You have a powerful sense of control over the situation. In flow, you are the master of your own destiny.
How To Achieve a State of Flow
Steps to induce flow

The key to unlocking flow involves creating the right environment and mindset to facilitate complete engagement and optimal performance in the task at hand. Here are some steps to help you enter a flow state.

1. Find Your Flow Triggers

The first step to inducing flow state is to identify your personal flow triggers—the specific conditions and activities that help you set the stage for peak performance. 

Flow triggers vary from person to person, but they often involve a combination of your interests, skills, and the challenges presented by the task. Reflect on activities that make you lose track of time, where you feel fully absorbed and energized. These are potential flow triggers.

2. Optimize Your Workspace

Whether you’re in the office or on the field, creating an environment conducive to achieving a flow state is essential for enhancing and sustaining your focus and engagement. 

When preparing your space for flow, ensure all distractions have been eliminated, the materials needed are conveniently located, and that you can remain physically comfortable for an extended period of time. These external factors will enhance your ability to enter a state of flow more easily. 

3. Set Clear Goals

Define clear and specific goals for the task at hand to guide your focus and provide a sense of direction. Establishing well-defined objectives helps create a roadmap for your efforts and allows for immediate feedback on your progress.

Break the task into manageable milestones or sub-goals that provide a sense of accomplishment as you complete them. Clear goals not only enhance your concentration but also contribute to a heightened sense of purpose and motivation, facilitating the transition into a flow state.

4. Challenge Yourself

Engage in activities that present a level of challenge that matches your skills—the sweet spot we like to refer to as the challenge/skill ratio. Tasks that are too easy might lead to boredom, while those that are too difficult could result in frustration and anxiety. Flow appears near the emotional midpoint between these two states. 

Strive for a balance that stimulates your abilities and motivates you to push your limits. As you take on challenges that are slightly outside your comfort zone, you’ll find your focus sharpening and your engagement deepening. Embrace the opportunity for growth and learning that challenges provide, as they can propel you toward a state of heightened concentration and accomplishment.

Read more about how to find your perfect challenge/skill ratio.

5. Align Your Purpose and Passion

Engaging in tasks that genuinely interest you and tap into your natural talents can enhance your motivation and increase the likelihood of entering a flow state. These activities have a better chance of turning into passions, and once you have a passion, you’ll find a way to link it to your purpose. 

When your actions align with your values and aspirations, you’ll find yourself fully engaged and immersed in the process. 

Get Your Best Work Done With Flow

Millions of entrepreneurs, industry leaders, athletes, performers, and more have already learned how to harness the power of flow for peak performance. If you’re struggling to balance your professional aspirations with your social life, health, and overall well-being, flow state training can help you develop the skills you need to get more done with less effort.

Click here to train with Flow Research Collective